For Immediate Release: Liberia to Showcase Investment Potential at Canada Investment Forum

20 May 2024

For Immediate Release

May 13, 2024

Liberia to Showcase Investment Potential at Canada Investment Forum:

The National Investment Commission (NIC) and QE24 Group of Companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding following consultations to host the Liberia Investment Forum expected to take place on August 15th, 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

The forum under the theme “Driving Economic Growth through Investment in Liberia’s Key Sector” will bring together officials of the Government of Liberia and investors from Canada and other parts of the world to discuss investment opportunities in Liberia, prioritizing those sectors outlined in the ARREST agenda (Agriculture, Rule of Law, Roads, Education, Sanitation, and Tourism).  

The forum aims to attract Canadian investors to Liberia, contributing to the country's economic development. Attendees can expect presentations, panel discussions on key sectors, and sideline meetings with Liberian government delegates and potential investors.

As part of the MOU, a joint steering committee comprised of representatives from the NIC and QE24 will oversee the execution of the event. At the same time, major decisions will be subjected to approval from the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Hon. Jeff Blibo, and the Chief Executive Officer of QE24, Mr. Bill Sandy.

For more details on the forum, you can contact the National Investment Commission and QE24 via email addresses and respectively.