Skilled and Cost-Effective Labour
Liberia has a growing skilled workforce
2.81% growth in the working age population in 20191
Approximately 390,000 students in tertiary education in 20182
Employment in Industry (including manufacturing) contributes toward 8.8% of total employment in Liberia3
The Youth Opportunities Project has enrolled an overall 12,920 youth of which 50% are females4
1: United Nations, World Populations Prospects, 2019 – link
2: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2018 – link
3: fDi Intelligence from the Financial Times based on the International Labour Organization, 2020.
4: World Bank Group, country overview, 2020 – link
Availability of Cost-Effective Labour
Annual Salaries for professions in the light manufacturing sector in USD, 2019
Source: fDi Benchmark, a service from fDi Intelligence, Financial Times Limited
Innovation and Skills Development
Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, The Liberian Chapter in Monrovia has 785 members.2
The "Youth Rising" project is training technical and vocational education and training (TVET) instructors, administrators, and principals to pass vocational education to the youth of Liberia3
Liberia Growth accelerator was launched in September 2021 as a partnership between UNDP, iCampus Liberia and the Accountability Lab.
Its main objective is to support the growth of Liberian business and support the establishment of new businesses that accelerate economic growth.
1 World Bank Group, country competitiveness reports, 2018 – link
2 StartUpGrind, Liberia, 2020
3 EEAS, training Liberia’s skills trainers, 2021 - link