Strong Business Climate

Dual currency system meaning the Liberian Dollar and the United States Dollar are used interchangeably with rates determined by the market.

growth iconAverage GDP growth of 4.89% between 2010 and 2019.1

hands and money iconAn Average of 5 procedures required to set up a business in Liberia.2

tax iconLow common indirect Tax rate of 7%.3

money iconCost to set up a business in 2018: $33USD.4


FDI inflows since 2010

USD $1,300

per container instead of the Sub-Saharan average of US$2,200.

1: World Bank Group, data bank, 2019 – link
2: World Bank Group, ease of doing business scores, 2020 – link
3: fDi Intelligence based on Deloitte: Tax Solutions and, 2021 – link
4: fDi Intelligence from the Financial Times based on World Bank Doing Business, 2019 – link

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